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05:42AM, 23 November 2002
Clarity of Intention
Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) said, “I heard Allah’s Messenger saying, ‘Verily actions are but by intentions, and verily each has what he intends. He whose migration is for the sake of Allah and His Messenger, his migration is (in fact) for Allah and His Messenger, and he whose migration is for the sake of worldly gain, he will attain that; and he who migrates for the sake of a woman, marries her, his migration is for the aim he has in mind.’”
Imam as-Shafi’ said, “This hadith is a third of all knowledge”. Imam Nawawi placed this as the first hadith in his collection of 40 ahadeeth. The subject matter of this hadith is indeed of paramount importance for any Muslim who embarks upon any action `by which he intends to please Allah. All our actions should be for the sake of Allah. It is therefore understandable why the scholars placed such importance on this hadith.
The domain of egotism
For the Muslim who enters the public arena this subject takes a special significance. Those involved in carrying the call to Islam, be it in the form of speaking, writing or inviting, this is a subject that the caller must constantly remind himself of. Allah (swt) created us, such that these are the people most vulnerable to the whisper of Shaytan and the corruption of their own egos.
We must all constantly remind ourselves of who, as the son of Adam, our real enemy is and where lies our true sincerity. Regardless of how knowledgeable we are, or how old or young we are, we are all exposed to the whisperings of the outcasted one. Rasool-Allah said “Whoever makes others hear (of his actions) Allah will make others hear of him, and whoever makes a show (of his actions) Allah will make a show of him.”
Seeking Allah’s (swt) pleasure
As Islam is a complete way of life it involves us engaging in many actions that are of a mundane and physical nature. On face value these actions may not be seen as so called “religious” actions. For those actions that are not overtly “spiritual”, we should always be conscious to have a clear objective and a clear understanding of why we are performing a particular action and why we should be sincere to this objective. This action must be of the allowed actions in Islam and the objective must be a laudable objectives in Islam. Thus the mujahid who fights in jihad with a specific objective of opening a fort or protecting a vantage point fights whole heartily for that tangible objective. However, this is an honored action in Islam with a laudable aim, i.e. raising the banner of Islam. Therefore this action which is physically demanding and far removed from serenity of ritual prayer is rewarded by Allah (swt) providing the action and objective are sincere.
Abu Musa al-Ash‘ari (ra) related that Rasool-Allah was asked, “Which of the three strives in the cause if Allah, one who fights in order that he should display his bravery, or one who fights out of a feeling of indignation, or one who fights in order to show off?” He replied, “He who fights so that the word of Allah be exalted, is the one who strives in the cause of Allah.”
An example of a messy and non-serene action is the rearing and tending of horses. However, much reward may be attained just by cleaning the filth generated by the steeds of war. Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that Rasool-Allah said “Whoever keeps a horse for the way of Allah, believing in Allah and sure of His promise, will have what it eats and drinks, and its dung and its urine placed in his balance on the day of resurrection.”
Thus dignity may be attained from cleaning the most undignified of things. That is providing the sincerity in action is present. Sahl ibn Sad as-Saidi narrated that Rasool Allah said “Keeping horses specially aside for jihad in the way of Allah (even) for one day is better than the world and what is therein.”
Allah (swt) has also said on the issue;
“And they were not enjoined anything except that they should serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience, upright, and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, and that is the right religion.” [TMQ 98:5]
Allah (swt) has explained by example, in Surat al-Hajj, that which He (swt) takes regard of, taqwah,
“It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah: it is your piety (taqwa) that reaches Him” [TMQ 22:37]
We do not believe Allah (swt) is in need of food. However, we accept that Allah has commanded us to sacrifice an animal. We are rewarded based on how we respond to that command as well as the physical action of sacrificing an animal. The sincerity and the action both have to be present. Abu Hurayrah (ra) related that Rasool-Allah said, “Allah does not regard your bodies, but looks at your hearts.”
As for the hadith “whose migration is for the sake of worldly gain.” This referred to a man who migrated from Makkah to Medina in order to marry a woman by the name of Umm Qays. To seek marriage is a noble act as is seeking worldly gain. However, the act of migration to Rasool-Allah was a specific act of worship. The aim, purpose and intention was solely as a response to Allah’s (swt) command.
This intention could not be adulterated or passed off as being for some other reason. Otherwise the act of migration would have been merely the physical travelling from one town to another. The clarity of intention is what made this a special act.
We can gain much reward by performing actions that are; normal, every-day and even pleasurable. The clarity of objective, and not just the action, is what could give us reward in the hereafter. Rasool-Allah said, ‘A man visited a brother of his in a town, and so Allah sent an angel in his path who said to him, “Where do you intend to go?” He said, “I am going to see a brother of mine in this town.” He said “Do you owe him any favour which you must repay him?” He said “No, it is only that I love him for the sake of Allah ta’ala.” He said, “Then I am the messenger of Allah to you (with a message) that Allah loves you just as you love him”.’
Clarity of aim and intention has an importance in actions that are shunned by Islam as well. This is exemplified by the following. Abu Bakr Thaqafi has related that Rasool Allah said; “When two Muslims confront each other with swords and one is killed, both end up in hell. I said, Oh Rasool Allah, as to the one who kills it is understandable; but why the other? He answered; the other was eager to kill his opponent.”
Clarity of motive avoids the stripping of reward
If we are to perform actions and corrupt our motive, we are stripping ourselves of the reward in the Hereafter. The main way we loose reward is when we perform actions for ourselves or for others, rather than for Allah (swt). Those who do this may see their action in a different light on the day of reckoning.
“Say: Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?- Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?” [TMQ 18:103-104]
Any person who holds his head above the parapet in public life subjects himself to the evils of egotism. The Muslim has only one protection from being destroyed by his own ego. That is sincerity to Allah (swt). This issue is the main difference between Western politicians and those involved in ruling and administration in the Islamic State. They may receive a wage or be paid a compensation for the work they normally would have been doing. However, the real driving force behind their actions is purely obedience to Allah (swt). The Khaleefah would rule justly not to be liked or popular but for the sake of pleasing Allah (swt). This would be the unique characteristic of the rulers in Islam. They would have an extra weight on their shoulders, that they are continually being watched by Allah (swt) and that their every duty and commitments is accounted for.
Maquil ibn Yasam related that Rasool-Allah said about the ruler, “Even the fragrance of paradise will not reach him, if he does not look after them with goodwill and sincerity.” In another version he said, “If a person is in charge of the affairs of the Muslims and does not strive diligently to promote their welfare, he will not enter paradise with them.”
Source: Ramadhan.Org
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02:43AM, 28 November 2002
Seorang ibu yang dermawan telah menghadiah seekor kambing kepada Loqman al-Hakim seraya berpesan: “Sembelihlah kambing ini dan berikan saya bahagian yang terburuk daripadanya untuk saya makan.” Setelah disembelih, dikirimkan kepada ibu tersebut hati dan lidah kambing itu.
Beberapa hari kemudian, ibu itu sekali lagi menghadiahkan seekor kambing dan berpesan agar sesudah disembelih dikirimkan juga kepadanya sebahagian daripadanya. Pada kali yang kedua ini, bukan lagi bahagian yang terburuk yang dipesankannya, tetapi dimintanya bahagian yang terbaik daripada kambing iru.
Setelah kambing disembelih, Loqman mengirim hati dan lidah juga kepada ibu yang dermawan itu. “Kenapakah tuan mengirimkan kepada saya lidah dan hati ketika saya meminta bahagian yang terburuk, dan kenapakah yang itu juga dikirimkan ketika saya memesankan bahagian yang terbaik daripadanya?” tanya ibu tersebut kepada Loqman. Loqman menjawab: “Hati dan lidah amatlah baik ketika baiknya dan apabila keduanya buruk maka amatlah pula buruknya.”
Mendengar jawapan itu, mengertilah ibu itu akan maksud Loqman, kerana hati dan lidah itu adalah pokok segala kebaikan; begitu juga sebaliknya dari hati dan lidah itu terbit segala kejahatan dan keburukan.
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From: "huttaqi" <huttaqi@s...>
Date: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:36 am
Subject: Oh.... Anak ! [5]
Saat engkau berharap datang dan hadirnya seorang buah hati...
saat itu seolah semua menjadi tidak berarti...
Segala macam usaha akan dilakukan...
segalanya akan diberikan..
demi datang dan hadirnya sang buah hati...
uang 5 milyar tak ada arti asalkan sang buah hati ada di sini..
cek dan payah sang ibu tak ada arti kalau perlu ia mau mati,
agar sang bayi ada ddi dunia ini...
Budha pernah berkata dalam "Sutra Agung Cinta Orang Tua"
ibu sang anak..
"ibarat wanita pelit yang menemukan permata sang Maha Kuasa"
sungguh satu kegembiraan yang luar biasa...
sungguh satu kesenangan dan kebahgiaan yang luar biasa...
yang rasa itu berbeda dengan kebahagiaan ketika nikah...
yang rasa itu berbeda dengan kebahagiaan ketika mendapatkan pekerjaan..
yang rasa itu berbeda dengan ketika kita memenangkan undian..
rasa bahagia yang sebelumnya belum pernah kita rasakan...
bisikan Iblis dari mana yang dianut dan diturut...???
Ketika orang tua memilih mengikat anaknya dan membiarkannya berhujan-hujan
sementara sang bapak dan ibu asyik menonton TV,
"untuk menghukum kenakalannya", katanya..
sungguh iblis mana yang disembah...
ketika seorang ayah mengikat anaknya, menggantungnya,
kemudian menyulutnya dengan api rokok ditangan..
sungguh iblis mana yang sudah masuk ke dalam dirinya,
ketika seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan anaknya,
membungkusnya ke dalam tas kresek, kemudian sang bayi dibuang di jalan...
dan iblis mana yang di puja-puja,,
ketika seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan anaknya,
mencekik sang anak dengan kain yang ada didekat situ,
dan kemudian membuangnya di got...
iblis apakah yang bercokol di otak dan di hatinya,
ketika bayi belum lagi lahir,
sudah dibunuh,
dengan obat-obatan overdosis,
dengan paksaan dari dukun bersalin..
dengan proses-proses yang kadang dilegalkan...
aborsi..pengguguran kandungan....
tidak pernahkah sekalipun mendengar...?
tidak pernahkan sedikitpun terlintas dalam telinganya...?
firman Alloh,
"Membunuh satu nyawa tanpa hak, adalah sama dengan membunuh seluruh umat di
dunia ini" ???
merekalah pemilik Kerajaan-kerajaan Allah kata Isa..
Merekalah yang masih fitroh..."kullu mauludin yuladu alal fitroh"....
Satu waktu di kala Iedul Fitri,
hari kebahagiaan..hari kemenangan....
Rosululloh sedang berjalan-jalan sendiri...
dan menemukan seorang anak sedang menangis...
menangis sendirian...menundukkan kepalanya,
memasukkan kepalanya disela-sela lutut dan menutupinya dengan kedua tangannya..
sementara di kejauhan teman-teman sebayanya sedang asyik
bermain dan bersenang-senang sebab itu memang hari yang sangat membahagiakan..
Rosululloh dengan penuh kasih sayang membelai si anak,
dan bertanya,"mengapakah engkau menangis wahai anak ?"
si anak mengangkat mukanya,
tampak matanya sembab,
penuh air mata..
ia masih sesenggukan...
"Bagaimana aku tidak menangis...
sementara semua bergembira,
aku tidak...."
ia balik menangis lagi, sambil menundukkan kepalanya..
Rosululloh kembali bertanya,
"mengapakah engkau sedih wahai anak ?"
si anak menjawab,
"mereka bergembira sebab mereka memiliki ayah,
aku tidak punya ayah lagi...
mereka bergembira sebab mereka punya ibu,
sementara aku sudah tidak punya lagi,
mereka bergembira sebab punya saudara..
sementara aku tidak punya saudara..
mereke bergembira sebab mereka bisa makan kenyang..
sementara perutku sekarang lapar..
mereka bergembira sebab mereka memakai pakaian baru..
sementara hanya ini pakaian yang kumiliki"
Rosululloh trenyuh....beliau meneteskan airmatanya...
kemudian beliau bertanya,
"wahai anak...bagaimanakah perasaanmu, jika Rosululloh yang menjadi ayahmu ?
wahai anak...bagaimanakah perasaanmu, jika Aisyah yang menjadi ibumu ?
wahai anak, bagaimanakah perasaanmu, jika Hasa dan Husein cucu Rosul yang
menjadi saudaramu ?
wahai anak, bagaimanakah perasaanmu jika engkau tidak lagi perlu berpikir
makanan dan pakaian apa yang akan kau kenakan ?"
si anak yang tidak mengetahui bahwa yang berbicara dengannya adalah Rosululloh
sendiri, terlonglong dan terbengong-bengong...
"Wahai Bapak..adakah kenikmatan di atas itu ?
wahai Bapak..adakah kebahagiaan lagi di atas kebahagiaan tertinggi itu ?
sungguh aku akan sangat senang sekali...dan aku tidak akan bersedih lagi jika
itu memang terjadi.."
Kemudian Rosululloh merengkuh anak tersebut, menaikkannya kepundak seperti
biasanya Rosululloh menggendong hasan dan husein...
"Marilah...sekarang kita pulang ke rumah..
Bapakmu sekarang adalah Muhammad Rosululloh, ibumu Aisyah, saudaramu hasan dan
si anak tersenyum riang...
kebahagiaan masuk ke dalam hatinya...
Alam Yajidka yatiiman Fa aawaa
Bukankah Dia mendapatimu sebagai anak yatim,
lalu kamu menjadi orang yang terlindungi ?
Wawajadaka dloollan fahadaa
Dan bukankah Dia mendapatimu sebagai orang yang bingung, lalu kemudian kamu
menjadi orang yang dapat petunjuk ?
Wawajadaka 'aailan Fa aghnaa
Dan bukankah Dia mendapatimu sebagai orang yang kekurangan, kemudian menjadi
orang yang kecukupan ?
Fa ammal yatiima falaa taghar
Maka terhadap anak yatim, janganlah berlaku sewenang-wenang
Wa ammas saaila falaa tanhar
Dan terhadap orang yang minta-minta, janganlah kamu menghardiknya
Wa ammaa bi ni'mati robbika fahadits
Dan terhadap nikmat Tuhanmu, hendaklah kamu bersyukur
di hari lebaran ini nanti,
kita bisa mencontoh Rosululloh,
dengan menggembirakan anak yatim piatu dan fakir miskin
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